White Stone Baptist Church

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Food Pantry

The WSBC Food Pantry is open every Tuesday, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Friendship Community House, next door to the church.

All residents of White Stone, Irvington and Weems, who are not currently receiving food from another food pantry, are invited.

For information about eligibility, contact the church office at 804-435-1413.

Extra Helping Hands

Extra Helping Hands is a thrift store where everything is free. Participants get credits based on the number of people in their homes. Credits can be used to “purchase” household goods, clothes, toiletries, etc. Extra Helping Hands is open every Tuesday in March, July and November from 1 – 3:30 pm. Participants must first visit the food pantry (at the Friendship Community House) on Tuesday in order to get their credits. For information about eligibility, contact the church office at 804-435-1413.

Friendship Community House

Located next to the church, the house is open for community events. Call the WSBC office at 435-1413 to schedule use of the house.


The EMMAS of White Stone Baptist Church is a mission group that ministers in the name of Jesus Christ. EMMAS is an acronym for the “Evelyn Murray Mission Action Sisterhood.” Evelyn Murray was the Director of the WMU at White Stone Baptist for many years. In her memory, the EMMAS continue the mission work she loved so much.

The EMMAS reach out to the community through helping support the Haven, Boys & Girls Club, Habitat for Humanity, , and through meals and food for those in need during sickness, bereavement, etc. A Prayer Shawl Ministry is an ongoing project and prayer shawls are available to anyone needing one.

The EMMAS meet monthly on the third Monday. New members are always welcome!


The WMU of White Stone Baptist Church meets every first Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. for their meeting. They support many different missions through offerings and prayers.  Every December they pack homemade cookies for shut-ins. Their most recent ministry is “An Extra Helping Hand” that provides necessary household items to recipients of the food pantry. They also have a clothes closet at the same location on Chesapeake Drive in White Stone. The Extra Helping Hand is open March, July and November.

The WMU has several fundraisers every year to fund their projects. New members are welcome!

Meals on Wheels

White Stone Baptist Church works with the local Meals on Wheels organization to provide hot, home-cooked meals to area residents in need of food and company.

Email: wsbc11@verizon.net
Call: 804-435-1413
Mail: 517 Chesapeake Drive, PO Box 45, White Stone, VA 22578